The village offers following services which can be arranged with help our local contact person:
Village maintenance is arranged by crew of cleaners and workers which are employed to keep the village, beaches and communal areas clean at all times. Other skilled workers ensure the pools are kept sparkling clean and the Ph levels are kept at an optimum. Our pool technicians maintain the communal infinity pools to the highest standards for all to see.
Buffet breakfast is offered for 500THB/person in a nearby resort restaurant and there is no need to book in advance, can be arranged upon your arrival.
Maid and laundry services in our villa are provided for free in frequency as follows:
Transport and transport services
The transport is organized via minibus for max 8 person.
The price, including ferry tickets (one way) : about 6000 THB for max 8 person.
If you are interested, please contact us.
We can also organize pick up at your Bangkok hotel and, price would be a slightly higher, please contact us with the hotel address and we will let you know the calculation.
Transport on island
Mrs. Vie
Line ID : sunsetemilyvilla
Viber : +66811018431
WhatsApp : +66811018431
Car/scooter rentals :
small car about 1500 THB per day , pick up car 2000 THB per day, scooter price about 300THB per day, please check before arrival for actual price, since it is subject of a change.